Austin Powers In Goldmember: Dr. Evil

In all of the Austin Powers movies there is always a villain named Dr. Evil. Dr. Evil is always trying to destroy the world in exchange for a large amount of money from the government. He fits the mad scientist description almost perfectly in the appearance, personality, and evil creations.

Dr. Evil in the academy with one of his future henchmen

In the third installation of the Austin Powers movies, Austin Powers in Goldmember, it tells us about Dr. Evils early life. When he was young he was in a car accident where the car blew up seemingly killing his parents. He was found by Belgians and taken in by them where he was raised to be evil. In his teenage years he went to a British academy with Austin Powers. While at the academy he was the top in his class and never got recognized for it, but Austin did. In his adult years he is now an evil scientist who is always trying to take over the world.

Goldmember, the creator of the tractor beam

In this installment of Austin Powers Dr. Evil is working on a tractor beam. He threatens the government to use the tractor beam if the government does not supply him with a large amount of money. The tractor beam was made by a man known as Goldmember who initially intended to use it to bring a meteor to Earth because it was said to be made of gold. Dr. Evil travels back in time to get Goldmember and his tractor beam. He plans to use the tractor beam to bring the meteor to Earth, hit the ice caps with it, and cause a global flood.

Dr. Evil and his clone Mini Me
Aside from his evil plans to destroy the world he fits the mad scientist description in many different ways. Appearance wise he is bald, very pale, and has a large scar over his eye. Personality wise he is always doing that crazy, evil laugh. He even has an evil lair where he has sharks with laser beams attached to their heads to kill anyone who does something wrong. Other than that he has an evil clone named Mini Me.
Dr. Evils son Scott when he is starting to become evil

Dr. Evil is always threatening to harm the lives of people on Earth. In this movie a global flood would knock out the entire population of Earth, drowning everyone. Also in this movie Dr. Evil kidnaps Austins father causing Austin to go on a search to save him. Since Dr Evil is so evil he wants his son to be evil too, causing a lot of psychological problems to his son Scott. Eventually Scott becomes evil just like his father.

Dr. Evil and Austin in the car before the accident

I think that the whole moral issue here is that Dr. Evil thinks it is fine to sacrifice the whole world just so he can be powerful and get a lot of money and control the government, I do not think he cares about anyone else but himself and his team of evil henchmen. I believe that Dr. Evil became this way from the lack of a good parental figure in his life. We find out at the end of the movie that Austins dad, Nigel Powers, is also Dr. Evils father too. If he wasn't raised by the evil Belgians and was raised by Nigel he wouldn't be evil, he would be more like Austin, a spy who helps people instead of hurts them.
