Mad Scientist: Creating the Perfect Woman

The Robot, Lily, holding Warren's new girlfriend
In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Warren can be thought of as a mad scientist; he creates a robot to love him. While in school Warren finds another girl. After awhile, Warren realizes he does not love the robot he created and becomes bored with her. Unsure of what to do, Warren runs away and leaves her. The robot comes looking for him because it is programmed to love him, but the robot hurts people along the way. In the end, the robot was defeated, but Warrens creation came with unforeseen responsibilities and repercussions.

Warren is labeled as the mad scientist. He is a normal boy who is going to a technical school. The problem is that he feels lonely. It is hard for Warren to find a girl who he thinks is perfect. He is selfish and narrow-minded when it comes to girls. When talking about mad scientists, Warren does not have the usual physical traits of a stereotypically mad scientist. Mad scientists are thought to have some kind deformity or be crazy. Warren had now of these traits, but had similarities in personal traits. He was selfish for his reasons of making it and did not take responsibilities for what he made. 

Venn diagram of qualities of a perfect girlfriend 
The purpose of the robot that Warren made was to love him, because he felt that he was not going to find anyone to love him. The robot was created to be everything Warren ever wanted. Lily, the robot, was made to be perfect. All the details about how she looked, acted, and treated Warren were figured out and implemented in Lily. The whole purpose of the robot was for her to be Warren's companion and be exactly what he wanted. 

When it comes to interaction with other people, Warren's creation hurts others. The robot goes to all ends in order to please and find Warren. She does not understand what she is really doing. On the other hand, Warren does not face what he has done. People get hurt because he refuses to take responsibility for what he made. Along the way the girl Warren claims to love gets hurt, and he lied to her about the situation.  
Lily and Buffy fighting 

The moral conflict that comes along with this episode is the idea of love. Warren believes that he will love someone that is perfect. Everything that someone could want in a person is in the robot. This is not how real relationships work. The other person will not always agree or do everything the other person wants. People have flaws, and that is what makes someone special. Warren is feeding into the idea that girls need to be "perfect." It is wrong for women to feel they are supposed to be perfect and please men. No one can be perfect. 
