Jeffrey Dahmer- Blog #3

By: Erykah Chatman

Jeffrey Dahmer was born May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer. The birth of Jeffrey’s younger brother David Dahmer caused four year old Jeffrey to go from being described as an “energetic and happy child” at the age of four, to withdrawn and distant. Jeffrey also experienced a surgery to correct his double hernia and moved around so much that by his early teens he was cut off from the world, friendless, and “tense” (
Jeffery Dammer believes that he began to become obsessed with necrophilia and murder at the age of just 14 years old. Most believe the divorce between his parents is the reason why Dahmer turned his outrageous thoughts into his lifestyle of a monster. (
This is a picture of Jeffrey Dahmer in his adolescent years, around the time his fascination with necrophilia and murder began.

Jeffrey Dahmer had 17 victims in his career as a serial killer. Jeffery targeted mostly homosexual, African-American males ( What started out as a "fun" night led to brutal murders. Jeffery would lure his victims by offering them money to pose for pictures (, making them feel comfortable and secure, then would take them back to his apartment and eventually just kill them. Usually Jeffrey would drug his victims then strangle them to death, cut them up and preserve many of his victims, sometimes even saving them for later to eat or to even have sex with before disposing of them ( Jeffery also had a thing for taking pictures of his victims dead bodies after killing them. In some cases, Jeffery would keep the skulls of his victims ( Jeffery's cannibalism and necrophilia are what makes him such a revolting serial killer (
This gruesome picture captures what the inside of Jeffery Dahmer's freezer looked like, here you can see paper towels wrapped with remains and a bottle full of some type of liquid.

The first person Jeffrey ever killed was after he graduated high school in June of 1978 ( Jeffrey picked up a random hitchhiker, Steven Hicks, and took him to his parents place where he got this young man drunk ( When Steven Hicks attempted to leave Dammer hit him in the head and then strangled him with a barbell ( Dammer dismembered Hicks’s corpse, put his limbs in plastic bags, and buried them behind his parents house ( Later, Jeffrey Dammer went back his parents where he put  Steven Hicks’s remains, dug them up, crushed the bones with a sledgehammer, and scattered the remains across a wooded ravine (
This picture was taken at Jeffrey Dahmer's sentencing.

Jeffrey Dahmer was caught in 1991 by Milwaukee, Wisconsin police after they found Tracy Edwards running down the street in handcuffs naked ( That incident led the police to his apartment where they found a polaroid of an dismembered body and he was immediately arrested ( According to the article from Associated Press published on July 30, 1991 "Jeffrey L. Dammer [had] confessed to killing three more men, bringing to 15 the number of slayings he has admitted, police said [Monday July 29, 1991]". Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to 15 life terms and was killed by an inmate on November 28, 1994 (

Works Citied

“Jeffrey Dahmer.”, A&E Networks Television, 1 Aug. 2017,
Press, From Associated. “Accused Mass Slayer Confesses to Murders of Three More Men : Crime: Milwaukee police say Jeffrey L. Dahmer now admits 15 total killings. They plan a search for victims today.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 30 July 1991,
Waxman, Olivia B. “Jeffrey Dahmer Arrest: How They Caught Him 25 Years Ago.” Time, Time, 22 July 2016,
